

and it feels so good! my heart leapt for joy when the tiny figures below cleared into view. what a rush of excitement and emotion to see my teammates again. so happy to be back and catch up. feeling welcomed, loved, and peaceful. 


Rest In Uganda

i arrived in uganda this morning. what a beautiful country! the cool, wet weather welcomed me as i arrived in entebbe. sitting on the porch, i see lush green mountains in the distance, and it brings peace to my soul. my ears tune to the songs of birds, though briefly interrupted by children laughing and playing in the streets. music and drums play in the background. as i sip on black tea and warm lentil soup, i take it all in. 

"open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see that the Lord is good. blessed are those who trust in Him." psalm 34:8

thankful for a place to rest, for a shower after days of travel, and for beautiful uganda. tomorrow i go to apply for my sudan visa. please pray that everything goes smoothly, and i am still able to leave on tuesday as planned.


Friends In High Places

two of my dearest friends came to colorado this weekend. besides the obvious pull of scenic attraction and outdoor adventure, they flew all this way just to bid me farewell! we did our best to cram the most fun into the short span of a weekend, and i think we succeeded. in the photo, we are at the top of pike's peak...14,110 ft up! i could lie to you and say we hiked our way to the top, but most of you know me well enough to agree that's highly unlikely.

heading back to florida today with a mix of emotions. feeling loved yet missing friends. excited to see family again but sad to say goodbye in just a few short days. 


Training in Colorado

three weeks in and i am exhausted...yet renewed at the same time. training kicked off with 45 missionaries and their children, preparing to spread the gospel all over the world.  what a blessing to be living in community with people who share similar passions, fears, and failures. we've discussed values, conflict styles, expectations, stress, transition, embracing joy and grief, and facing cultural differences, just to highlight a few. 

i have learned that difference is a good place to start, not only cross-culturally but within my team. God is teaching me to serve out of my weakness and depend more on His strength to be my sufficiency. this training has been so beneficial in revealing to me the reality of cross-cultural struggles and also the greatness and power of God to use me despite the obstacles. this is just a glimpse of what i am learning, as there is so much to still process. i appreciate your prayers as I continue my training. 

click on the links below to know how to PRAY for me or if you would like to pledge monthly SUPPORT

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