
Long Time Gone

yesterday marked my ONE YEAR anniversary of arriving in mundri! i can’t believe i’m halfway through my term already. when i told my friend, mary, that it was a year ago i first came to mundri, she cheered and said i am now a one year old moru.  

in many ways it seems like so much time has passed and yet there are days when i still feel new, like a one year old baby, learning to walk and talk, still exploring and making sense of my surroundings. 

the massos made my day, surprising me with a song to say happy one year.  i’ve posted the words and a few pictures of my time in mundri thus far. 

to the tune of “party in the u.s.a.” by miley cyrus

“i hopped off the plane at the mundri airstrip with my trunk and my cardigan.”

“welcome to the land of south sudan, am i gonna fit in? 
jumped in the truck here i am for the first time.
look to the right and i see the herd of cattle.”

“this is  all so crazy, everyone seems so friendly.”

“my tummy’s turning and i’m feeling kind of homesick.
too much pressure and i’m nervous.
then bethany turned on the radio and a whitney song was on, and a whitney song was on, and a whitney song was on.”

“so i put my hand out to shake people’s hands and the butterflies fly away.
riding my bike like yeah. eating kudra like yeah.
i put my hand out to shake people’s hands and the butterflies fly away.
yeahhhh.  it’s a party in south sudan.”

“i get to okari, riding my bike, everyone’s looking at me now.
like, who’s that girl who’s keeping trill. she’s gotta be from outta town.”

“so hard with my twin not around me. definitely not a birmingham party.
cause all i see are flip flops. i guess i never got the memo.
my tummy’s turning and i’m feeling kind of home-sick.
too much pressure and i’m nervous.
and when the choir sings my favorite tune and a moru song goes on, and a moru song goes on, and a moru song goes on.”

“so i put my hands out to dance around the butterflies fly away.
bobbing my head like yeah, shuffling my feet like yeah.
i put my hands out to dance around i know i’m gonna be ok

yeahhhhh it’s a party in okari church, yeahhhhh  it’s a party in south sudan.”

as i reflect on the year, i’m grateful for God leading me to mundri and looking forward to all he has in store for the second half of the ride. i know it won’t be an easy one, but i’m trusting the Lord as i put one foot in front of the other and thankful for those who help and encourage me along the way.


Only Wanna Be With You

these days, i've been missing home. wanting to see familiar faces of friends, be with family, to squeeze on my nephews. i wish time would freeze and they wouldn't grow. i wish my africa world was somehow closer to all the ones i love. if only i could drag the entire north american continent across the atlantic to settle nice and close to africa, maybe it would solve all of my problems. or maybe this sense of longing will always remain, and the focus only changes.

even so, i am grateful that God continues to open my eyes to see his abundance of blessings in the here and now. i'm thankful for a brief, yet sweet, reunion with an old friend, who actually lives on the same continent!

i'm thankful for my growing relationships with young women at okari. i love our hair-braiding, tea-sipping, language learning chats. i love that they ask about dominick and camden (i think they're aware it's my favorite topic). our interactions are becoming more familiar despite my slow moru and their lack of english.

though it doesn't quite compare to holding my own nephews, snuggling with this little guy was just the bonus of an already great day.

and on the days when i only want to be with the ones so far away, i'm thankful to be surrounded and loved by my moru community, and mindful of the joy in being exactly where God wants me, near to Him.

"But for me it is good to be near to God.  I have made the Lord my refuge, that I may tell of all your works."     Psalm 73:28


Round Here

some pictures to give you a look at life 'round here lately...

a new school year begins, gaby in 5th grade and liana a big 7th grader.

mary braids heidi's hair.

even john fashions the braided look.

a group from brook hills visits mundri.

we celebrate john's 23rd birthday, hillbilly style.

we attended a moru wedding at the cathedral. the main job of the best man/ maid of honor was to fan and wipe sweat from the bride and groom's face. non-stop, during the entire ceremony. now that's a friend.

but my favorite part...the youth choir.