

hello my wonderful friends and supporters! thank you all for the continued interest in my time here in sudan. i thought i would update you all with some specific things you can be praying for me. first of all, thank you so much for your prayers regarding my stomach issues, as i am feeling much better now. please pray that i continue to make time with the Lord a priority, that i would be disciplined to pull myself out of bed in the mornings, and that i would have rich time in the word and in prayer. also pray that i would be open to all that God wants me to learn. pray that i will learn more about His character and that i would be obedient to His desires for my life. i know that God has big plans for me and has a purpose for bringing me to sudan. i praise God for the time He has given me thus far. it has truly been a blessing. the team has been so welcoming and it has been somewhat easy to slip into life here in mundri. i am excited to share with you all about the remainder of my time here. again, i am humbled and beyond grateful to have such a strong support system back home. i love you all!


  1. We love you too Mel!! I will being praying for you for those specific things.. I love hearing from you. I know God will teach you what you ask of Him and has only blessing to pour upon your life! I hope that dragging yourself out of bed for prayer time will just give you the energy and spirit filled motivatiion you need for the rest of the day! You are missed!

  2. Melissa, we love you so much and praying that "you will rise up as an Eagle" each morning as God's Spirit gives you strength and He will reward you for spending precious time in the Word...also we pray that God will bless you each day and enlarge your territory ..(as He has already been doing)...We also pray for the team there who are so faithful...In His Love, Grams and Granddad Blount...

  3. Hey Melissa! I love reading this post and seeing the pictures! It is so exciting to hear what God is doing in your life and for those you are serving. I know you will rise up and give Him the first fruits of your day, as you are doing with your life! I am praying for you and we pray for you as a group every week when your precept ladies meet! We miss you and love you! Janet

  4. I just finished reading your whole blog. Now, I know how to pray specifically- not just generally :-) Thank you for those wonderful pictures. Really helps me to visualize what your life there is like. We miss you especially when we get together for Bible study. You always have great truths to share with us that God has just shown you in the Word. We will continue to pray for you every day as the Holy Spirit leads in the areas you asked us to pray for you. Your obedience and dedication to serve God inspire me and encourage me! May God's rich blessings overflow in your life today. Love- Sandi
