
With a Little Help from my Friends

this one goes out to my champion team of supporters. woop! woop! thank you all for your love and support and for getting me that much closer to my goal! I'M ALMOST THERE!!! i only need $700 more pledged monthly, and i can book a flight! trusting God for the rest, and i appreciate your prayers in that. i'm excited to be leaving for training soon and ready to be in Sudan. it's so close, i can almost feel the heat! (ok, maybe it's just the florida sunshine)


  1. 5 points for appropriate usage of song lyrics for a blog post title. I can't wait for you to get here. Met with Grant today, and already started making plans for a January teacher training, and for our visit to his house, and other things to keep you busy. Praying for you!

  2. props for noticing! excited about teacher training and being busy :) even more excited to see you all. thanks for the prayers...need lots.
