
Rest In Uganda

i arrived in uganda this morning. what a beautiful country! the cool, wet weather welcomed me as i arrived in entebbe. sitting on the porch, i see lush green mountains in the distance, and it brings peace to my soul. my ears tune to the songs of birds, though briefly interrupted by children laughing and playing in the streets. music and drums play in the background. as i sip on black tea and warm lentil soup, i take it all in. 

"open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see that the Lord is good. blessed are those who trust in Him." psalm 34:8

thankful for a place to rest, for a shower after days of travel, and for beautiful uganda. tomorrow i go to apply for my sudan visa. please pray that everything goes smoothly, and i am still able to leave on tuesday as planned.


  1. So happy you arrived in Uganda safe and sound...Praying for no problems on your visa to Sudan...We love you and miss you! Grams & Grandad.

  2. Grateful for your safety, your mission and your friendship. Praying for you friend! Love you! Lin

  3. okay, if grams can figure this out.. I surely can.. LOL... glad you are safe and sound there.. do not go adventuring on your own.. :) Will be praying about your visa! post pictures of where you are now.. sounds so inviting.. looking at mountains and sipping tea.. and cool weather?? wow! Love, mom and dad

  4. I miss you so much!! :( but I'm glad you arrived safely and I can't wait to maybe Skype you sometime!! :D love you!!

    Britt <3

  5. Glad you made it! Let the adventure begin!
